Remote Tech

Free Remote Technical Review

Get expert advice on your infrastructure without the hassle of a site visit...

This service makes it quick and easy for our technicians to look over your site to help you diagnose issues and make recommendations to improve your physical infrastructure.


Book your call online and get a quick, free remote review of your site:

Book My Free Call

Who is it for?

This service is ideal if:

  • Your on-site staff don’t have specialist knowledge of your power, cooling and environmental infrastructure
  • Your physical infrastructure is causing availability issues
  • You need help with scoping the right solution for your physical infrastructure

How does it work?

A video call lets our technical expert see and hear exactly what is going on in your facility. From there we can diagnose problems and make informed recommendations for replacement parts or repairs, new or upgraded products and maintenance process improvements.

We can also follow-up with an on-site visit if you need a more in-depth review of the facility.

Why Use Remote Tech?

  • Specialists who speak plain English for non-technical staff
  • Quickly diagnose faults in your physical infrastructure environment
  • Avoid the need for a safety induction or security preparations
  • A time efficient way to get expert advice on your specific set-up
  • Fast turnaround on quotes for any new or upgraded solutions
  • Can be booked and completed quickly without the usual time required to organise a site visit.


What will I need?

  • Internet connection to book via our online calendar
  • Access to Whatsapp, Zoom or Facetime on your phone


What Next?

  1. Book a session time via our online calendar
  2. Technician calls you at appointed time for the video call
  3. Technician arranges any required follow-up

Book My Free Call